Сочные кусочки курицы в пикантном кисло-сладком соусе с рисом
2590 ₸350 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Good family coffee. The food is delicious. There is a place for children to play, but it's not big enough. The waiters are polite and fast. I recommend one of the good places in our city.
We went there with our family because there is a children's playground. They gave us high chairs for children, but they have a layer of dirt on them, is it really impossible to keep such things clean? The game room is also cleaned, probably once a year.