The assortment is good. Prices for some products are highly inflated. The biggest problem is the price tags, which are not found on many products. And consultants can either not be found, or at lunch, or gathered in groups, they cheerfully talk about life with each other. And at that moment you did 10 laps to find someone. The wood department is a separate quest to find the appropriate price tags. They are not available for almost all products. The consultants in their department don't know anything at all and don't know their way around. For each product of interest, they run somewhere to clarify the information. I hope the management will take measures for the convenience of the consumer
Cool store. A huge selection of goods - from household appliances and tools to building mixes and workwear. Many products are not found in stores in Grodno. Convenient operation mode. There are always a lot of promotions and discounts.
The choice in the store is good, and that's where all the advantages end... During the calendar year, I often bought building materials, consumables and much more at this store... I went there only because of the assortment... There are no sellers, the service is minus zero, consultants can never be found, as if they are playing hide-and-seek with customers, but 5 people are always sitting and conducting dialogues on the help... A week ago I went to the store to buy a chandelier as a gift... When I told them to pack up, the salesman started wrapping the chandelier with plastic wrap... HEY, GUYS, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??? A CHANDELIER WRAPPED IN FILM??? 21ST CENTURY , NOT STONE AGE... When I asked for the box , I was told that they were not provided with where to store them.🤣🤣🤣🤣In a word, A DISGRACE!!!!