Delicious, cheap, angry. Very good, only the dam is constantly flowing, out of 10 orders, only two times did not leak. I hope it's a matter of time, and when I get back from the armies, I'll be able to eat a doner with a non-leaking dam. :)
The last two times I bought a kebab on different days and in different places, both times I didn't finish the kebab because of the lousy meat. This is enough for me not to buy from them anymore, although I used to take only from them.
Живем рядом, удобно, что на такой район есть шаурма, да еще и сетевая. Готовят вкусно, но иногда качество прожарки курицы не удовлетворяет: то слишком сухая, и наоборот, слишком влажная.