Excellent service! I recommend. The generator on the highway flew. We entered the situation. We carried out a quick and high-quality repair. Everything is clean and tidy. The service station is equipped with all necessary specialized equipment. Special thanks to Master Nikolai for his professionalism and competence.
They recommended this specialist to me as an excellent generator repair technician. I turned to him for technical help, because I was too lazy to disassemble myself, and it was freezing outside. A day later, the master called me and said that your generator is beyond repair and restoration, buy a new one and I will install it. I ordered a new generator and gave it away for installation. I took my old "non-repairable" one from him, according to him (in bulk in a bag). During the analysis, the specialist barbarously stripped the varnish from the stator windings, broke the studs connecting the generator covers, broke the outer positive terminal of the generator (a metal bracket in the insulator), as well as the bolt on it. After taking the generator from the repair at the pro, I determined that the fault was in the brushes (more precisely, one burnt-out brush) supplying current to the excitation. I replaced the brushes on the voltage regulator (chocolate bar), soaked the stator windings in varnish, dried and assembled the generator. I restored all the broken fasteners. After assembly, the generator works fine by me. It's a shame that because of such specialists you have to throw money away on expensive car components, although you just had to replace the brushes!
Conclusion: if you want to do well, do it yourself!