Until 2021, professionals really worked. The question is why did they leave? The problems started with replacing the brakes, they tore off the ABC sensor, then tried to prove that it was not his fault. I went to several service stations, everyone says the sensor, but here they don't believe it until the car has become. They brought it to the service station, changed the sensor, the car started working, the error disappeared. The second jamb, there is such a Harmaza Pavel Viktorovich, from the beginning I found a light sensor. Which never happened. But how he loaded me. I even had to go to Nissan, to be sure, the radio was not working, the amplifier was removed: I said throw it away, everything was rotten, rusted. I asked for an amplifier for the evening. I did it in 15 minutes, brought it back - they put it on, everything works. Garmaza tells me for 1-2 months, works without problems for the second year. Then there was a noise in the stove, they said to replace it. They installed a new one, but I asked for an old one. I cleaned out the garbage, oiled it: it works like a watch. Next, the replacement of the handbrake cables (900r). There were no cables available, I traveled around half the city until I found it. When I arrived, it turned out that they had put the spare parts together with the used brakes in the trunk, naturally all the bad things were thrown away. I had to look for spare parts to install the handbrake all over Minsk. After 1-1.5 years, they speak for a replacement. I took it away again: oiled, the cable runs like clockwork. Isn't there a lot of jambs for one car. I understand that it is possible to divorce women. I was silent. I understand everyone wants to make money. But Pavel Viktorovich Garmaza, with his arrogance and inability to communicate with clients, caused me negative emotions. The management has not been contacted. A month of silence has passed, the management is not interested in anything at all. He doesn't even want to figure it out.
The guys are professionals in their field. They are polite.
The assortment is good, for any purse.
The location is convenient, it is easy to drive in, the parking lot is large.
The disadvantage is that you often have to wait for an order for more than twenty minutes, even if it is not large.
It so happened that there was a breakdown on the way. The nearest service turned out to be this one. We reached out to him, explained the situation to the guys, they, despite a week-long queue by appointment, immediately took the car to work, quickly found the cause and eliminated it. As a result, I was able to return to Moscow on my own. Thank them very much! I didn't take a photo, I wasn't up to it. I recommend the service, everything is well there.
I got to the Chat Service on the recommendation of a friend and now I service cars only here! The guys at the reception, the masters are real professionals, they always solve all problems and do not try to impose unnecessary services (which I constantly encountered at other service stations). Quickly, efficiently, the guys are always ready to explain all repair issues, and the prices are adequate. Thanks to the staff of Chat-m Service! I recommend it to everyone!)
I was left very long ago by the store, according to those passport and wine code, I was given the wrong spare parts, the return period has expired, there is no receipt....I gave my money 150 rubles....and now just throw them away to me...
The specialist who changed the details said that it was the fault of the store and the consultant who gave them to me, since if I invited them to buy according to the wine code, there should be no mistakes
I service my car only here, because the quality of work is at the highest level! Receptionists and locksmiths are professionals. Repairs always do not take much time, a big plus is that there is an auto parts warehouse nearby. There has not been a single joint in the years of service. I recommend it to everyone 👍🏻
Excellent service! This is not the first time I have applied and I am sending friends. For diagnostics of the fuel system, only to them. I like the approach and the level of communication with the client.
I waited a long time while the order was being collected, 20 minutes. That's a lot for an organization like this. The boon waiting room allows you to spend time in a comfortable environment.
we got here completely by accident on our way from Moscow, on a pre-holiday day, but the manager Evgeny is a man with a capital letter, got into the situation, helped, explained everything clearly and suggested what is better to do at the moment, thank you very much!!
A large, confident company! It employs highly qualified specialists. Many people, despite the fact that the company is located outside the city of Minsk, come here for qualified help. I have repeatedly applied myself. I was very pleased with the work of this company! I RECOMMEND IT!!!
The service is at a high level, the quality is excellent, the qualification of the staff is felt, and the prices are adequate. In the future, I will continue to cooperate only with them!!!
The availability of spare parts nearby is a big plus. I would like to express my gratitude to the acceptance specialist Kirilchik Artyom for quickly solving the problem with my car! The whole service is based on such employees!
A normal service station, but you need to keep an eye on the quality of the work. Otherwise, they may not finish it. I've had this happen to them more than once!
The logistics is well-established as per z.in parts , so is the service . The departure from the base to the M-1 is a little unclear. Reasonable choice and prices .
Excellent car service! Competent staff, no problems with auto parts. I service my more than elderly car only here. There has never been a problem that the guys could not solve.
I got behind the s/ parts by accident.The order was accepted quickly.The waiting time for order execution is about 10 minutes. I paid and took it right away.The staff is working very well.I am pleasantly surprised by the service, I will come.
Хороший сервис, меня все устраивает. Запчасти сразу на месте.
Тест подвески, компьютер, электрик все есть. Часто обслуживался без предварительной записи.
Приехал на сто с проблемой . Спускает колесо , разобрали дырку не нашли сказали вентиль . Заменили . Через три часа спустило снова я к ним . Взяли машину загнали в бокс даже колесо не сняли отвертелись от меня мол вам нужна другое сто мне тут не помогут . А шиномонтажник мне диск приговорил . Говорит кривой и невозможно отбалонсировать. Я бы с ним согласился если бы ни одно НО, на покрышке лежит большой пластырь и он даёт сильный дисбаланс , если бы он сказал что в покрышке дело тоо тут спору нет. Человек разбирал колесо не увидел пластырь с 20на 15 см или не хотел видеть ....
Одним словом в бош на шинку луче не ехать . Мнение субъективное так как у меня с ними такой опыт.
I work with Chat. A great team. Downloads without delay. The documents are always ready. I arrived, loaded up, and took the docks. For the whole 10 minutes
Сотрудники на приёмке авто просто молодцы, работают хорошо. Сами мастера, ну как попадёт, есть очень добросовестные и грамотные, а есть те себе... Несколько раз мне приходилось работу переделывать по гарантии, так как первоначальный мастер сделал плохо.
Обслуживание понравилось. Чувствуется, что работает команда. Очевидный плюс, если имеется скидка на запчасти, то она учитывается и на работы,хотя стоимость работает примерная такая же как по Минску. Также на гарантии при выходе из строя запчасти, работы по его замене дополнительно не оплачиваются.
Восстанавливал турбокомпрессор (турбину ) на Мерседес спринтер, после установки машина падала в аварию из-за недодува и был ужасный звук , после предоставления машины в сто шате-м и проверки там сказали , что стоит снимать турбокомпрессор , у себя стоимость озвучили около 250 рублей, потому что речи о компенсации не было . Турбокомпрессор был снят и отвезён в стороннюю организацию ( потому-то с самого начала говорили , что они все сделали качественно и они постоянно говорили все , что могло произойти много чего и это по моей вине, хотя проблем по двигателю , маслинному насосу либо другим узлами не было, турбокомпрессор сдавался в ремонт из-за посвистывания и ещё забыл написать , что за ремонт взяли сумму максимальную, хотя при дефектовке сказали , ничего критичного нету).При проверке в сторонней организации ( шате-м сервис был проинформирован об этом) сразу сказали , что настройка работы турбины некорректна и один из узлов не восстановили , хотя за это деньги взяли! При предъявлении требования возместить потраченные деньги и 50% от стоимости снятия турбокомпрессора , которую обьявили на сто шате-м ( 125 рублей, что считаю обоснованным ) , за время , нервы и топливо которое было потрачено я не просил ни копейки. Возместить согласились только стоимость восстановления турбокомпрессора на другом сто и только после письменной претензии, но денег так и не вернули , хотя времени уже прошло уже три недели. Контакта 0 , поэтому заслуженно одна звезда и ещё возмущались , что повёз на диагностику в стороннюю организацию , типа так нельзя, хотя согласно закону все можно . Очень обидно, что руководство допускает такое , из-за этого у нас так мало качественного сервиса , по факту плохо сделали и не хотели признавать это и не сделали работу по восстановлению узла в турбокомпрессоре , а деньги взяли и это уже обман
Не первый и не последний раз обслуживаю свое авто здесь. Удобно что можно сразу и помыть ручной мойкой авто после ремонта. Дороговато, но хорошо и дёшево это только в гаражи.