Обеденное кафе (формат бистро) с ежедневно обновляемым меню. Каждый день Вы сможете разнообразить свой обед. Высокая скорость обслуживания и демократичный ценник.
Ждем Вас по адресу ул. П.Бровки, 16 в будние дни.
1 Br
Банкетный зал
Проведение праздничного торжества в нашем уютном кафе, которое находится в центре города около метро Академия Наук. Вас приятно удивят обширное и вкусное меню, два вместительных зала (посадка до 80 человек) и приветливый персонал.
1 Br
Фудбоксы и фуршетные коробки
Боксы с едой прямо в офис. На обед или мероприятие!
Различные варианты по наполнению и весу. Доставка включена в стоимость.
Food is often just bathed in fat. It's definitely not the most delicious, it doesn't spoil you with a lot of variety every day either. The interior is a bit old. For the price, the food is absolutely overpriced, it's not worth the money. However, there are not many alternatives around. Rarely, but there is also something delicious. And happy hours are generally a laugh, either their cheapest dessert (usually this is what no one takes), or the cheapest soup (the cheapest soups are not always delicious at all). Something like that.
A great place for lunch with a good selection of dishes. I recommend. True, there is a full house, but the service speed is high, so the queue passes quickly. By the way, the staff cleans and it is very convenient.
Delicious, not expensive, fast. The interior is neat and clean, a great place to have lunch. There are always several dishes to choose from, everything is fresh and warm.