Charity funds in Bucharest
Infiintare Asociatie
Infiintare Asociatie
Business hours unknown
Charity fund
Bucharest, Șoseaua Mihai Bravu, Block 60C
Fundatia Pentru Copii Sansa La Viitor
Fundatia Pentru Copii Sansa La Viitor
Business hours unknown
Charity fund
Bucharest, Bucharest Sector 2, Strada Grigore Ionescu, 20
Project Ruth
Project Ruth
Business hours unknown
Religious organization
Bucharest, Bucharest Sector 5, Strada Lacul Bucura, 9
Vier Pfoten Romania
Vier Pfoten Romania
Business hours unknown
Charity fund
Bucharest, Bucharest Sector 1, Strada Maica Alexandra, 24
Fundația Filantropică Metropolis
Fundația Filantropică Metropolis
Business hours unknown
Charity fund
Bucharest, Bucharest Sector 6, Drumul Săbăreni, 45
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