Organization and maintenance of exhibitions in Helsinki
Credit card payment
WC for people with disabilities
Helsinki Motor Show
Helsinki Motor Show
Business hours unknown
Organization and maintenance of exhibitions
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Pasila, Messuaukio, 1
Sevent OY
Sevent OY
Business hours unknown
Organization and maintenance of exhibitions
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Pasila, Messuaukio, 1
Global Trade and Exhibition OY
Global Trade and Exhibition OY
Closed until tomorrow
Organization and maintenance of exhibitions
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Veturitallinkuja
Expomark OY
Expomark OY
Business hours unknown
Organization and maintenance of exhibitions
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Pasila, Messuaukio, 1
Yksityisalojen Esimiehet ja Asiantuntijat Yty ry
Yksityisalojen Esimiehet ja Asiantuntijat Yty ry
Business hours unknown
Organization and maintenance of exhibitions
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Pasila, Rautatieläisenkatu, 6
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