Plastic products in Karachi
A. A. Plastic Shop
A. A. Plastic Shop
Closed until 11:00 AM
Plastic products
Province of Sindh, Karachi, Sufi Muhammad Farooq Rehmani Street
Plastic woven bags
Plastic woven bags
Closed until 10:00 AM
Plastic products
Province of Sindh, Karachi, Jat Land Lines
S. A company
S. A company
Business hours unknown
Plastic products
Province of Sindh, Karachi, Shahnawaz Bhutto Colony, Liaqat Road
Boom International
Boom International
Closed until 9:00 AM
Plastic products
Province of Sindh, Karachi, KMC Work Area, Markwick Road
Gul Plastic - Saddar
Gul Plastic - Saddar
Business hours unknown
Plastic products
Patrick Street, 1
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