Primary schools in Algiers
Willow Early Education and Preschool
Willow Early Education and Preschool
Business hours unknown
Primary school
El Djazaïr, Bir Mourad Raïs, Bir Mourad Raïs
Primary School Ibn Anis
Primary School Ibn Anis
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Rue Lahcen Mimouni, 1
Primary School Akli Rahem
Primary School Akli Rahem
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Algiers, Garidi 2
École Ibn Al-Khatib
École Ibn Al-Khatib
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Algiers, Telemly, Rue Rais Salah Yahia
Lalla Fatma N'soumer School
Lalla Fatma N'soumer School
Business hours unknown
Primary school
Algiers, Rue Ali Khinache
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