Government ministries, services in Al Shahaniya
Dukhan Air Base Headquarters
Dukhan Air Base Headquarters
Business hours unknown
Government ministries, services
Al Sheehaniya, Zone 72, Wadi Khawzan
Ministry of Municipality and Environment of Al Sheehaniya Municipality Lijmilya Office
Ministry of Municipality and Environment of Al Sheehaniya Municipality Lijmilya Office
Business hours unknown
Government ministries, services
Al Sheehaniya, Zone 73, Lijmiliya
Rayyan Municipality
Rayyan Municipality
Business hours unknown
Government ministries, services
Al Sheehaniya, Zone 73, Lijmiliya
Kahramaa Jumailiya Tfs
Kahramaa Jumailiya Tfs
24 hours
Government ministries, services
Al Sheehaniya, Zone 73, Lijmiliya, Block 7
وزارة البلدية والبيئة
وزارة البلدية والبيئة
Open until 2:00 AM
Government ministries, services
Al Sheehaniya, Zone 73, Lijmiliya, 804th Street, 9
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Al Shahaniya
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