Construction and repair of roads in Vitebsk District
Dsu № 2 Dst № 1 g Vitebsk
Dsu № 2 Dst № 1 g Vitebsk
Closed until tomorrow
Construction and repair of roads
Polaсk, Stroitelnaya ulitsa, 3
Deu № 32 filial Rup Vitebskavtodor
Deu № 32 filial Rup Vitebskavtodor
Closed until tomorrow
Construction and repair of roads
Polaсk, ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo, 75
Drsu № 110 filial Kup Vitebskobldorstroy
Drsu № 110 filial Kup Vitebskobldorstroy
Closed until tomorrow
Construction and repair of roads
Urban settlement of Bieshankovichy, ulitsa Dorovskogo, 1
Deu № 35 filial Rup Vitebskavtodor
Deu № 35 filial Rup Vitebskavtodor
Closed until tomorrow
Construction and repair of roads
Glybokaje, Sadovy zavulak, 15
Drsu № 145 filial Kup Vitebskobldorstroy
Drsu № 145 filial Kup Vitebskobldorstroy
Closed until tomorrow
Construction and repair of roads
Glybokaje, pereulok Lomonosova, 5
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Vitebsk District
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