The prices are affordable, there are a lot of useful goods, sellers will always prompt and fuss so that everything is.
There is sand in bags of 2 and 4 kg, which is rare
A lot of things were taken from this store. Once I even managed to forget the basket.. ) I didn't save the receipt, but the sellers remembered me. Thanks, nice shop!
The store is like a store. Nothing attractive. It wouldn't be bad to have signage as a travel guide. Many storefronts block the goods. It resembles a stall in the market.
A large assortment. Absolutely everything is in one store, affordable prices. It is not very convenient to make a payment. First you stand in line and order the goods, then you wait for a receipt to be written out to you for payment and again in line at the cashier for payment, then again with a receipt for payment for the goods.
The store is at the best level and the prices are very affordable. The staff has great respect, they will always tell you and tell you which product is better to take, but in general there is a pocket for every pocket