I repaired the generator, it was done on the same day, I was second in line for repairs, the work was done well, they did not dilute the main consumables, although they were preparing for this, only the burned part was replaced. Otherwise, they said that everything was fine, only one lubrication bearing was reported. Thank you for your honesty and good work. For me, it's a plus that it's within walking distance from home.
I decided to call, make an appointment for engine diagnostics for the next day. The literal answer of the person who picked up the phone "you can't sign up, everything is busy, I don't know when it will be possible. Call next week" and hang up.
The masters there may be cool, but the service is just terrible, which is even funny that this still happens)
Of course I don't recommend it, but if you want to laugh, be sure to type it and it's not a joke!
#ремонтмоторчикапечки #вентиляторотопителя Была проблема с мотором вентилятора печки или я бы сказал салонного вентилятора на лагуне 2 , скрипел , дребезжал , я снял его там благо не сложно но трудновато , неудобно , шток болтался , сам я не имею нужного оборудования и опыта , поэтому обратился к специалистам , ремонт обошёлся дешевле покупки самого дешового б/у вентилятора печки, установил обратно всё работает как надо , в общем рекомендую.