The Khanaka of Faizabad was built in 1598-1599 by the famous Sufi Mavlono Poyanda-Muhammad Ahsi (Ahsiketi)-yi Fayzobody, who died 2 years later, in 1601. The khanaka mosque served both for daily five-fold prayers and for Friday, communal prayers. It was also a place of ritual meetings of Sufis and a place of temporary shelter for dervishes.It is a beautiful creation of its time. Its large, high, bright hall is not inferior to the palace. The entire architecture of the building is imbued with grace and nobility. The mosque's composition is ceremonial. The central hall is flanked on both sides by through-arched-domed galleries. Behind the mihrab (a niche orienting worshippers facing Mecca), residential hujras are located on three floors for the temporary shelter of the dervishes. The cup of the dome in the interior is decorated with spectacular two-tone ganch carvings in the chaspak technique.