After a meager Moscow selection, the eyes scattered in different directions! The liver creaked joyfully, and the purse somehow strained! Fortunately, I was in the car, so I had to collect two boxes.. Schmidt vodka came from the local, in fact I can say it is easy to drink, excellent taste, no smell of booze and a wonderful hangover.. or rather, his absence.. I regretted taking one..
Naturally, the proven Bulbash vodka. Well, you'll laugh, 4 liters of native Schweppes tonic. In addition to the Monkey 47 gin..
Unfortunately, the range is designed only for well-off people. Cavists aren't interested in you at all as a guest unless you're willing to spend a lot of money.
A good selection of wines and spirits. Prices are not the highest and there are always excellent wines with unexpectedly low prices on discounts. The staff is very pleasant and polite. The guys will provide unobtrusive assistance not only in choosing the product, but also bring the box to the car.