The memorial building of Kuylik ota is a mausoleum of a religious personality.It was built so that people would know that there are God-fearing individuals in this world who, in that society when they lived, contributed to the development of religion and conveyed to people the concepts of humanity.The mausoleum is not for someone to collect money there.
I love Kuyluk because of the cheap prices, the roads would be completed faster so that the buses would be closer to kuyluk so that they would not go far with grids, in kuyluk itself I would like the arava carts to be in a certain place and not interfere with passing, thank you.
I live in this area in this mahalla, the most terrible roads in this area, it is not possible to drive a pit on a pit, utilities come running, break the asphalt to do the job and just throw stones and clay. They don't know how to work. The Mahsus trans garbage truck always arrives off schedule with a violation of schedules, although we pay for each person, but the garbage will be dragged to neighboring distant yards 800 meters from the house, I need this question for what I pay.