Overall, I am satisfied with the service at Hamkorbank. Convenient location and parking are great advantages. The staff is always friendly and helpful. However, there is a problem with waiting for money transfers to be received. In most cases, the waiting time is about an hour, which is not very convenient. I would like the bank to pay attention to this point and take measures to speed up the service, possibly by returning a second window for transfers.
I had 40 thousand people charged to my cards without my consent in order to issue their bank card to me - and they gave me a microloan at 32% without a guarantor - although I asked for 28% with a guarantor - they confronted me with the fact in an SMS notification on the phone and did not pick up the phone.
Plus: it is located at arm's length from my house. However, all the advantages end there, and a fairly large list of disadvantages begins.
Long before the official closing time, forty minutes before, the doors of the institution were tightly closed. I had to ring the intercom. The receptionist, who opened the door, blocking the approach with his body, announced in a dissatisfied voice that the bank was already closing. This was the first negative.
The receptionist behind the counter asked in surprise:
-- What do you want?
-- Get it?
-- No, give it to you
After that, the girl became friendly and pointed in the direction of the offices:
-- The third time for you
-- And the receipt...
- So go!
The receipt system really didn't work. I don't think she even existed. I didn't see the scoreboard with the beckoning numbers of the queue scoreboard. A clear disadvantage.
I didn't see number three anywhere either. Minus again.
After following the vector of the girl's hand, I got to the last operator, but he was busy. There were three more free people sitting next to me, and I thought that maybe they could take the initiative from the mysterious "third" and invite me. I even looked at them questioningly. But to no avail. I think this is also a minus.
Without losing hope that free operators can call me, because in the absence of a scoreboard, a live queue works on the principle of first come, first serve, and I was the very first in the whole bank. So I stood with my legs wide apart, like a cowboy before a duel, right in the middle of a completely empty client area and waited for some kind of mop to fall and signal the start of the duel.
I stood there for about twenty minutes, and not a single Teller/operator reacted to the elderly client. Minus!
Twenty or thirty minutes later, the receptionist passed by, apparently she was going to the toilet, and asked in surprise:
-- Has anyone helped you yet?
-- Not yet. I'm waiting for the third...
-- And if you haven't contacted a free operator?
-"But you sent me to this, didn't you?"
-- No, I sent you to this!
As a result, summing up all the above-mentioned disadvantages in my mind, I came to the conclusion that such a bank could not be trusted, and retreated home. The door was closed again. I tried to turn the key in the lock and open it and couldn't.
-"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself," Bellboy exclaimed, running up and violently turning the handle down. Something clicked and the door opened. Minus. An outsider would not have been able to get out, even during the disaster. I just couldn't open the door.