All employees of the clinic are beggars!!! Then they ask for 5,000 soums on the form, then it is not understood why 10,000 soums. Will anyone control it so that these shameless people would work without it??? Xamma vrachlari tilamchilarga uxshaydi, blankaga 5000 sum suraydi, yana bir nima baloga 10.000 suraydi, bermasangiz sarson qilishadi haromxurlar!!! Biron kishi kontrol qiloladimi bularni????
The good news is that you can finally get free services and take tests.
But unfortunately everything does not work quite clearly, I hope this will also be fixed in the near future.
It seems that you go to a free clinic, but it turns out the opposite. For all the money, handouts. I don't want to be there again.
I was at a gynecologist's appointment, give me money for gloves, for something else, for something else. I'm shocked.
There is no point in calling the above number!!! Doctors do not all know their responsibilities, the quality of service is solid 3, A mess,old repairs,honey.The Soviet equipment can be given to the museum!!