Terrible unsanitary conditions, prices are inflated 3 times, beer water glasses, all chipped, dirty. Illegal alcohol trafficking - there is nothing on the menu. Moreover, you will pay about 300 dirhams for alcohol, at the entrance there is a poor parrot in a cage that is located on the floor. There are a lot of midges and flies - a special electric flycatcher for them, right in the hall. Instead of a door and a wall, there was some kind of film stretched. The menu is all shabby, dirty, torn. The sofas are worn out, as if they came to a cheap Moscow eatery, for 500 rubles to eat. Russian russians decided to leave without trying anything, forced them to pay the bill, tried to explain that they had cockroaches, so they forgot Russian at the moment, although they had spoken Russian well before.
Dirty, not tasty. Algol is on the left, not in the menu. Hookah- the price is the same in words, in fact, they charge twice as much in the bill. If you smoke a hookah, then look in the Smoky on the shore, and if you eat, then next to the cauldron