Выглядеть великолепно – желание каждого человека. Но прежде чем записаться на какую-либо процедуру «красоты», необходимо узнать насколько она безопасна.
I was here for laser hair removal, the effect after the first procedure is simply amazing! The atmosphere and service are top-notch
, I will definitely come again and more than once!
I treated the choice of the salon very carefully. There have already been negative experiences in other places. The first thing I want to note is the reverent attitude towards each client. A very friendly receptionist, who told me in detail about the procedures of the salon and enrolled me in a cosmetologist for a consultation (the consultation was free of charge). The procedure was correctly prescribed and recommended care products that can be purchased in the salon. The skin looked very hydrated and rested after the first procedure. I definitely recommend this salon to visit👍🏻
Girls, I'm telling you the situation. Since the end of the summer, I have been choosing a beauty center to qualitatively change my hair color. My choice fell on Lidi. To be honest, the specialists there are good and the administrator is pleasant. But!!!! The four times that I recorded, I never got to the recording time. A few days before going to the salon, a nice receptionist girl always called and rescheduled my appointment. The last time is the apogee of the apotheosis. I signed up a few weeks before the new year. After 4 days, they call me again and say they can't accept me. So decide. The New Year is on the nose, you can't sign up anywhere, you need to dye your hair. That's such a setup. If you have a lot of free time and have somewhere to move your record, Lidi is suitable. Otherwise, as with me, I do not recommend it. You may find yourself in a situation like me.