I have been using goods from the store for more than a year, a large assortment. It is worth noting that sellers understand the product and can prompt if necessary. The only downside is the prices. Sometimes you don't have to take the right product, but order it on marketplaces, as it is much cheaper there. Otherwise, everything is on top.
See original · Русский
Level 8 Local Expert
March 11
It's a terrible store. I have been a regular customer of the chain for more than 3 years. Before that, I bought all the time on Nemiga 3. The devil pulled me to stop at 156 Prytytsky, as a result, the price on the site is the same, but the store is more expensive, and they also sell goods that expire in six months. Such a product should be sold at half price (and yes, I'm watching the prices, this is not a promotion, as the seller in the store claimed). I discovered the price fraud only late in the evening. I had to go the next day to get the blood money back. Purely on principle. For comparison, there has never been such price fraud on Nemiga 3. Everything is clear. So double-check the prices because sellers don't care about customers.