I would like to leave an honest review and warn people against this tour company, so as not to end up in the same situation that we found ourselves in.
I do not recommend this tour company!!!!
We took a two-day tour from them.
And here's why:
1. For a fee, you can stay in double rooms and in a house with a toilet and shower.
We decided to do so. My husband and I were concerned about our comfort.
Upon arrival in the village of Saty, we were resettled, everyone was resettled, and we were the last to stay because there were not enough rooms in the guest house!
Although I asked in advance if there was still such a possibility, and they told me yes, there is.
And then all the tourists are settled, we are sitting, a guide comes to us and says: "and you can spend the night in different rooms, and in the morning we will find you another house and refund the money."
If I had known in advance that there were no places to live together, we would not have gone.
I categorically refused, because I could get sick at any moment, and my husband knew only how to help.
The guide began to groan, gasp, and sigh with displeasure.
As a result, he settled my grandmother and grandson, who also had separate accommodation, and promised them the same thing as us.
But in the end, they spent the night in different rooms.
2. Guest houses. I would like to mention them and let people know that the beds are terrible, hard, and there is no mattress.
Were you promised slippers and toothpaste? You were only promised.
As for the bed linen, it's dirty, with hair.
Looking at this, we came to the conclusion that it does not change as it should after each guest.
It was impossible to sleep the whole time we were there.
Some tourists played cards with foreigners in the common room where we ate at night. They were laughing. It was impossible to sleep. They did not respond to the remark.
3. I really want to mention the kitchen, it was incomparable! Very tasty.
Most likely, this is just one plus.
4. The icing on the cake for us was when we arrived at the last location.
We arrived at 10.30-11.00.
The guides called the pick-up time at the bus at 13.15.
We went down to the Valley of Castles and went back and forth.
Climbing back up, they hurried with all their might to make it in time. We were always on time and respected other people, we were not late.
As a result, we got up, the time was 13.11. We had time!
We approach, but no one is going to the bus, we see that some tourists from our bus are going to the cafe.
We ran to the toilet, quickly got coffee, managed to do everything before 13.20, we go to the bus-it is closed.
We walk around him so as not to be late, waiting for the call of the guides about the gathering-he is not there.
Then we decide to get on the bus, because we may be leaving soon! There are people sitting there, and it's cold waiting outside.
We go in, we get on, it turns out that the bus is broken!
People ask how long it will take, a guide named Tim reports that it is a breakdown, the timing is unknown, the driver has gone somewhere for spare parts.
And then this guide says that everyone get off the bus, wait in the cafe! We'll call you!!!
We're going to a cafe, there are no places there, we walked nearby, went in and took souvenirs.
And we decide to go see the canyon from above!
Since we don't know how much time we have, we haven't been told what time the gathering will be!
Let's go, go back, we only have 5 minutes to walk, and we're in the bus parking lot-and we see the bus leaving without us!
But with our stuff.
And what kind of things didn't our people throw out there?
We were not given an answer to this question.
I can't put into words what horror, fear, panic and hysteria I felt there.
My husband and I, two tourists, were left 200 kilometers from the city of Almaty.
Where there is almost no connection, it catches in places, and where the cafe closes at 18.00.
They didn't think about the fact that I, as a two-year-old, could be pregnant, sick with some kind of disease, etc.
This is completely inhumane, and no one dared to think about the consequences.
Apparently they decided that if we are local tourists, then you can do this to us (we are from the city of Karagnady)
No one called us on our cell phone, although there are places in the valley where they get in touch.
We received calls and messages on WhatsApp.
As soon as we arrived at the souvenir shop, I started writing to their tour company, to which they replied "we are clarifying"
We were able to somehow get through to Dauren's guide, who told us, "can you get to the village on your own? We'll be waiting for you there!"
In the sense of independently? There are no taxis, no buses! No one knows how to get to the village on our own, and even more so to Almaty!
And even more so, how can we sit on the bus after that?
How we got to Almaty, and how we returned our belongings, is another story.
But that's the attitude towards local tourists!!!
Why do I say that?
Because when we were on Kolsai and we were waiting for foreigners, no one was indignant and we waited for about 30 minutes. They were always late.
No one returned the money to us, nor any compensation.
Be careful with this company.
We went to Charyn, Black Canyon, Moon Canyon and Kolsai. The delay was normal, but very little time is given to explore the territory. They gave Charyn two hours, in the end everyone was late, because it was unrealistic to get to the end and back in that time. On other canyons, they stood stupidly for ten minutes, the point of taking people there is unclear. It would be better to stay in Charyn longer. We were late for Kolsai, instead of two and a half hours, they gave us two hours each. Two things angered me the most:
1) the boys are guides. These are not really guides, they are just cheap labor, which, according to the methodology, tells in an unstated voice about what happened in certain places and generally tells any important information. The guide had a disgusting Russian language, all the sentences were wrong, all the endings were wrong, I was ashamed in front of my friends. If he can't speak normally, let him speak Kazakh and the other one in Russian. Or you can hire a normal guide who speaks both Kazakh and Russian languages well. You fill such big buses with people, earn money, can't your company spend money on a decent guide so that you won't be ashamed later? It's a shame how unprofessional it is. My little brother would have told me something better without preparation. These are not guides, they are just guys from the street. How do you hire them?
2) I really didn't like that in the middle of the day we were taken to a "cafe" where we could buy food or take it with us and eat there. It was so dirty there, we couldn't even go to the toilet, it was unpleasant. Foreigners were generally shocked by this. Why put yourself in such disgrace, can't you organize a normal clean cafe? A neighbor on the bus there bought a kuyrdak at a crazy price, could not eat, threw it away, she says, it tasted disgusting, it already felt bad. Complete unsanitary conditions, a disgrace.
By the way, after all, one memo "take this / take that" is not enough. You need to write WHY you need to take this or that. Because many people on the bus thought that it was not necessary to take warm clothes, it was summer, it was hot. And as a result, it is cold on Kolsai, it is located in the mountains. Many people just DON'T KNOW it!!! Write why you need to take it, because it's COLD!!!
In conclusion, I want to say that nature itself is beautiful, but the organization is very lame.
Buses, by the way, are more or less, although they are old, but the conder works. When we were coming back, the oil started flowing. Oh, and by the way, my seat was broken, and I had to sit there half-reclining all the time. 9 o'clock, by the way. And there is no compensation for this.