Клецки из печеного картофеля с мясной начинкой и луковым демигласом
24.7 Br330 g
17.6 Br338 g
Борщ по-виленски с разварной говядиной
Нежная разварная говядина с овощами — морковь, свёкла и картофель — создаёт гармоничное сочетание вкусов. Клюква и уксус придают лёгкую кислинку, а чеснок и сухой укроп усиливают аромат. Икра тобико добавляет изысканности
16.5 Br460 g
Бульон с разварной курицей, лапшой и перепелиным яйцом
Паста тальятелле с куриным филе, перепелиными яйцами и укропом, дополненная пирожком с курицей и рисом
8.5 Br320 g
Голенка с хрустящей корочкой
Нежная свиная рулька, приготовленная до золотистой корочки, подается с пикантным соусом из хрена и острой горчицы. Блюдо сочетает в себе мягкость мяса и остроту соуса
51 Br760 g
Ребра свиные в пряной глазури
С картофельным пюре
35 Br333 g
Филе семги с обжареным картофелем и луковым велюте
We decided to visit this restaurant "Litviny " on the territory of the Green shopping center.
A very cozy atmosphere, the interior is thought out to the smallest detail, the assortment of cocktails pleases.
Separately, we note the work of the waiter and the administrator, a nice guy Emmanuel served us, all the dishes were served quickly, separately plus for the attitude and sense of humor)
The administrator Elizabeth explained everything, told, advised, guessed and selected dishes for everyone.
Elizabeth, good luck to you in the future, you are worthy in the market of banquet halls!
We will definitely come again. The service is fast considering the full occupancy of the seats. Everything is clean. Well done, thank you for a delicious dinner!
It's cozy inside, everything is neat, nothing superfluous. Pleasant music, there is no smell of food in the hall. The tartar was delicious (while the chips were put on the tartar, which eventually makes porridge out of them, they get soaked), the salad was delicious
Now the cons: the edges. There were 3 small ribs, consisting of 70% fat. No salt, no pepper, no sauce. Potatoes for 4. The meaning of this dish is -0. The cost is 32 rubles. There was no mead. Drinks are on the level.
At first, everything was fine, an adequate waiter did everything that needed to be done.
An hour later, the waiter no longer noticed us, we had to go to the bar to ask for the bill. The bill was brought, I had to go for the change myself again, without waiting for the waiter.
I do not recommend visiting