A good store has a lot of choice, a lot of assortment for every taste, there is everything you want, most importantly, they have all the fresh products
Uyimizga yaqin deb bergandik. Farzandimiz judayam sho’x. Bu haqida oldindan aytganmiz. Lekin 3-4 oydan keyin bularni qo’pol muomalasidan farzandimizni boshqa joyga olib kettik.
Umuman masalahat bermayman.
In the summer gazebos of the former Truffle, along the ditch, there is a cafe Chopancha. Juicy, fresh lamb brought from Surkhandarya, rabbit meat... I recommend
A great restaurant. The atmosphere in this restaurant is very pleasant and cozy. Cooking dishes can be rated as 5-, there is something to strive for for the highest score. The staff is very attentive.
A cozy family restaurant. Pleasant atmosphere, luxurious summer terrace, delicious food and pleasant music. Once you arrive, you will want to come back here again and again
The restaurant has a beautiful summer terrace. Magnificent green area, waterfall, river, rose bushes, illumination. Live music is playing, very good musicians and excellent vocals. The menu is varied, the food is very tasty. There is a children's room, and an entertainment program is presented for guests every evening. The staff is polite and friendly.
It's a great place, it's strange that people think that this is some incredibly expensive place that there is a salad for 500,000 soums, my wife and child and I have dinner there from time to time, sometimes the bill is 600k, sometimes a lot, but this is for the whole bill, and the waiters are very nice, polite, a children's room. I strongly advise anyone who has not been there and is subjected to the stereotype of expensive.
The first impression of the first visit was spoiled by the second visit. The service, the availability of dishes, drinks from 5 stars turned into 3. But it almost became a favorite place.