Unlike some points, there are hqds that are increasingly difficult to find. The seller is polite, prompted everything, told about the promotions, issued a card, gave a one-time check.
Just fire. The sales girls are always smiling and with lots of suggestions. If you're in a hurry, they don't bother you, they're just smart and beautiful.
An excellent place, I buy everything only here.
Of the main advantages, I want to highlight:
-A wide range of liquids.
-Disposable systems have quite rich tastes, unlike analogues in other vapeshops.
-Consultation is a separate point, they will always help you choose exactly the taste that is on the tip of your tongue, but it is difficult to describe it. Plus, they will be well advised in choosing the ideal system for themselves.
Special thanks to Ekaterina, all the liquids selected by her have a wonderful taste.
Now there's a regular here!