Every day, the passage from the Oidin stop to the Kokand market is getting narrower and narrower. A month ago, the entire road from the bus stop to the market was cleared of stalls and tables with goods . And now two people can barely separate. Additional counters with goods have been removed from all stationary stores that not only pollute the sidewalk ALONG the shops but are also exposed to the road itself. And on the other side of the road, other sellers of goods put up their counters and tables and a free passage of 1-1.5 meters is obtained between them. I have already written that CONSTANT monitoring is needed so that sellers do NOT block the passage and passage of special equipment along this road. I have repeatedly seen how the fire truck could NOT pass. I do not know who should control - the commissioner of the police or the khokimiyat or the director of these markets? But I think until you write a complaint to the mayor of the city, this violation will continue to bother people.
A good selection of goods.Polite friendly sellers.You can bargain and the prices are not biting.But in the parking lot, the parking lot of the car wash is A MESS! Before arriving at the market (bazaar), the disorderly movement of car washes (full BAMBEI)!