Here you can get everything from building materials and electronics. The prices are good. One of the disadvantages is the parking problem. Everything else is fine.
Wallpaper World is one of the best stores on the market. There are very decent sales consultants in this store and especially the best of them is a guy named Azizbek.
I am a very frequent customer in this market. There are many familiar sellers who can bring any product even if it is not on the market for quite reasonable money...
I won't say that wow! ... when the repairs were done, I had to go there too. The prices are certainly high! I do not argue, you can take a walk and bargain. But in general, sellers have already become impudent in the end, from an excess of buyers. I repeat, not all of them! But they spoil the overall picture. You can find what you were looking for.
Everything is very expensive, but there are few high-quality goods, a lot of Chinese consumer goods. Of course, there is an Uzbek manufacturer, but the quality is not very good
Everything is normal, just one thing, but for one box tile is a single warehouse, time is wasting..!?? It pisses me off, it's uncomfortable. Sellers works great, helps, thank you for your attention!
A market with a large assortment. A lot of things can be found. Wallpaper, tiles, electrical goods, in general, all building materials. The store staff is friendly
Polsha bozori hech topaolmayotgan instyumentlarni va narsalarni shu yerdan topib sotib olib ketsez boʻladi yaxshi joy lekin bardakroq joy oldidagi yoʻllari asfaltlari koʻchib ketgan
The bazaar from childhood. As a child, they asked for a token for admission, I remember. That is, it was paid. And now it's free. But you can find everything you need to work at home.
We bought the front door in February And the lock broke the next day. The seller was informed. We are still waiting for the master. I probably should have written a complaint already.