Cons: the administration and teachers are not interested in motivating the children, many do not stand such a f*** ing attitude and leave. There are very high requirements in everything: in training, and discipline comes first. Time for other clubs, hobby classes, free time with family, you can forget about it, it just won't be there... From an excellent student and a drummer, they will easily make a double, a triple. Grade 10-11 stupidly preparing for the Unified State Exam and drying the brains with extraneous unnecessary subjects not according to the profile, in grades 8-9 the same thing is in relation to subjects, all subjects are required at the level, the question arises, why are profile classes created at all, if they try to convince the child that this is a general education lyceum, then figs does he even need? Studying at such a high level is absolutely useless, because in our PMR it makes no sense to work for a beggarly salary, and the hope that you will leave for Moscow and other regions is like a cat in a poke, in general, there is a lot of hope for a good future, but the result is zero. In an ordinary school, you can also achieve the same level, while having a lot of free time.
Pros: there are professional teachers.
See original
Каво Сергеевич
Level 3 Local Expert
December 2, 2020
In general, normaldos, the teachers are adequate, it's a pity that the orcs created the schedule for the remote)