The market is good! It is large and there is a lot of choice, but many shops sell their goods too expensively on the 1st and 2nd canopies compared to the 4th floor. In principle, you can find everything if you have money
Prices speak looking at the buyer. If you asked the price (jeans) in Russian, the price will be about 350-400 thousand. In Uzbek 250-300 (there will be a concession). So be careful, and when bidding, minus at least 100 thousand of the seller's stated amount
The central clothing market can be said to be the landmark of the city of Navoi, where you can buy not only clothes but also have a delicious lunch inside the market and enjoy the national cuisine!
Как не удобно ходить по всему базару наварачивая кругиии, уже давным давно надо сделать первые ряды обувь вторые ряды детские например, третьи женские вещи там бельё . Все в разброс на это тратишь очень много время. 👎👎👎совсем неудобно.