Финансирование авто не старше 20 лет.
Возможно досрочного погашения
Любая сумма финансирования
Без поручителей и залогов
Срок одобрения и заключения сделки - от 2-х часов
Отсутствие комиссий и скрытых платежей
30 Br
Лизинг новых автомобилей
Финансирование новых авто.
Возможно досрочного погашения
Любая сумма финансирования
Без поручителей и залогов
Срок одобрения и заключения сделки - от 2-х часов
Отсутствие комиссий и скрытых платежей.
"a posh company." I can't reach you. "thanks" to them, they were able to register the car with the traffic police only 3 times, as mistakes are made in the documents every time. They can't find an error in 2 pieces of paper. On the phone, the girl with the code name "Alexandra" is very confused about what she needs to do and what data to write in the documents. So, dear potential customers, think a hundred times before contacting this company. Your nerve cells will decrease significantly.
I do not recommend this company to anyone, they do not pick up the phones, at the first small debt they immediately began to be rude and threaten, especially the manager Victoria noted her boorish behavior, I give one star, although one is too much
1. This is not a company, but an individual entrepreneur
2. The site is gloomy, it takes 3-4 minutes to load.
3. It is impossible to get through!
4. No one is calling back!
5. They wrote their own reviews.
In short, not a company, but the office of "HORROR and DARKNESS"
DON'T contact them!!!!