The prices are acceptable, the seller is a good girl, suggests. Sometimes it happens that the products are overdue, but for such a store it does not matter, because the flow of customers is small and the products are often stale. So look at the dates before buying. In general, well done, prices do not go too far, many products are even cheaper than in a basket or in a macro.
The seller is very kind and good. It brings high-quality food, fruits, sweets and hygienic substances. You can find all the products you need in this store. I am glad that she is near my house.
The store is so-so, they sell expired goods, do not give change. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that this is the most affordable store near the house
A regular store. It is convenient that it is located near a music and a regular school. I don't see any point in putting it above 4, there's nothing special there.