The doctor was friendly at FIRST, very good at first glance, but when time passed and he was unable to provide me with further treatment, he apparently did not want to continue to deal with me. Well, at least I wrote a referral to other specialists in surgery. And before that, he tried very hard to get me to put new crowns as soon as possible, and even cut down all the good teeth so that the whole row at the top could be made new! The bill was naturally prepared for crankenkassa, his assistant made mistakes, he said it himself and then handed it over for redoing. We have made a new account, the amounts are huge. At my request, they replaced something in the bill with other materials, it became affordable, but the doctor did not do it himself, he sent me to search for a focus. I'm calling there for a new appointment, and his assistant was arguing with me for ten minutes because I don't like the bills and they had to redo the bill three times! And my explanations that these were their mistakes, that the doctor asked me to make sure to make an invoice, he needed it himself to officially become my attending physician - nothing was arguments for her, she screamed and was very aggressive! Now they will charge me for the next cost plan: 25-35 euros! Impudent! This is generally all their responsibilities and they themselves need to continue their treatment.