"Eatery" is how the name of this restaurant is translated from Spanish (Chiringuito).
The place is a DELIGHT!!!
A gorgeous view "from the stalls" of the Strait, of the ships waiting in line for their passage through Gibraltar, a view of the opposite Maracan coast...
The restaurant is located on the most extreme part of the beach on the Spanish territory near the border with English Gibraltar.
The food is very good, in Spanish traditions, and the assortment, and the art of cooking, and the speed of serving, and a good price-quality ratio, I did not expect, I was pleased!
But that's not the main thing...
When I first got here, I was not specifically told that Gibraltar airport is located very close ...
Not transferable (!!!) I felt the impression when, walking along the beach, I saw a plane coming from far away to the shore and landing right on us (!!!)... (!!!)...(!!!)
At a distance of 1.5 - 1.0 km. it's not very unusual and scary, but from a distance of 500 meters, IT's ALREADY a PANIC .....
The plane "comes in" from the sea slightly at an angle to the shore, so it seems that it is flying right here and everyone who is nearby is about to arrive...
I was convinced once again, that's what it means "it's better to see it once..."