My children were born here.
My little paws, I hope that my grandchildren will also be born here!
Doctors are also good, they take care of women in labor
A bad service, abusing his position, some doctors of the highest category earn money, let's say your wife is pregnant, to give birth to a child, you need the attention of doctors and for this you must first put their money in your pocket, and if you have a different situation, they do not examine any attention to the condition of your wife. There are more and more such doctors in our country 😔
See original
Anonymous review
November 18, 2020
It may be good for men. But I didn't see any advantages there! Doctors are rude, even nurses are rude if you don't give money, they don't want to help somehow, let alone help, but they don't want to do their job without money.
And the conditions are terrible everywhere cockroaches, dirty mattresses, terrible wards, no heat, no water, no shower, and I'm generally silent about the toilet, in a God-forsaken place and there is no water at all. The bathroom is all broken and old and most importantly it is very cold there. How such places are not checked well, I just don't understand. And the conditions in the family room are terrible!