Russian text:
Recently, I came across an unpleasant situation when using an Uzcard in Andijan. I mistakenly entered the PIN code three times, as a result of which the card was blocked. I decided that the issue could be resolved quickly by contacting the nearest branch at 17 Babur Avenue. But it turned out to be much more complicated.
Firstly, the queue at the branch was disorganized: the electronic queue system did not work, and employees did not pay attention to visitors. There was a live queue at the checkout, the staff were clearly not interested in helping customers. Moreover, the ATM was empty, and when I asked about unblocking the card, I was informed that they could only help at the branch where the card was originally issued.
The 21st century is in the yard, and customers are still tied to the place where the card was issued, despite the unified databases. Why can't the process be simplified to help the customer in any branch? There is no feeling that addressing customers as a priority.
Text in Uzbek (Latin):
Yaqinda Andijonda Uzcard kartasidan foydalanishda noqulay vaziyatga duch keldim. Pin-kodni uch marta noto‘g‘ri kiritganim sababli karta bloklandi. Men muammoni tezda hal qilish mumkin deb o‘yladim va Bobur ko‘chasi, 17G manzilidagi yaqin filialga bordim. Lekin hammasi ancha murakkab bo‘lib chiqdi.
Avvalo, filialda navbat tartibga solinmagan edi: elektron navbat tizimi ishlamasdi va xodimlar tashrif buyuruvchilarga e’tibor bermadi. Kassada – tirik navbat, xodimlar esa mijozlarga yordam berishdan manfaatdor emasday edi. Bundan tashqari, bankomatda naqd pul yo‘q edi, va kartani blokdan chiqarish bo‘yicha savol berganimda, menga faqat kartani olgan filalda yordam berishlari mumkinligini aytishdi.
21-asrda yashayapmiz, lekin mijozlar hali ham kartani olgan manzilga bog‘langan, yagona ma’lumot bazasiga ega bo‘lishlariga qaramay. Nega jarayonni soddalashtirib, mijozga istalgan filialda yordam ko‘rsatish mumkin emas? Mijozlarga e’tibor yo‘qligi ko‘rinib turibdi.
English Translation:
Recently, I encountered an unpleasant experience while using my Uzcard in Andijan. I mistakenly entered my PIN three times, which caused my card to be blocked. I thought I could quickly solve the issue by visiting the nearest branch at 17G Babur Avenue. However, things turned out to be more complicated.
First, the branch was disorganized: the electronic queue system was not functioning, and employees were paying no attention to visitors. At the counter, there was a physical queue, and staff seemed uninterested in assisting clients. Additionally, the ATM was out of cash, and when I asked about unblocking the card, I was told they could only help at the branch where the card was originally issued.
In the 21st century, clients are still tied to the card issuance location despite having centralized databases. Why not simplify the process to help customers at any branch? It feels like prioritizing customer care is lacking.