4-avtobus avtoparki Toshkentda katta ahamiyatga ega bo‘lgan va shaharning turli hududlariga xizmat ko‘rsatadigan avtobuslar parki hisoblanadi. Avtobuslar yuqori sifatli va ko‘plab yo‘nalishlarga xizmat ko‘rsatadi, bu esa shaharliklar va mehmonlar uchun qulaylik yaratadi. Avtoparkning transport vositalari muntazam ravishda yangilanib, xizmat ko‘rsatish sifati oshirilmoqda. Buning natijasida 4-avtobus avtoparki Toshkentdagi eng ishonchli va qulay transport tizimlaridan biriga aylangan. Shuningdek, jamoat transportining rivojlanishi shaharda aholi uchun samarali va arzon transport tizimini yaratishda muhim rol o‘ynaydi.
I was on the 58th bus now. I stood at the bus stop for 7 minutes, I started asking why we were standing, I said how long I would stand for. And in general, speak Uzbek., I said in Uzbek why it's worth it. There was a girl sitting next to him, she went out to smoke, and he waited for her to smoke. Then I went. And he drove very slowly and looked at me in the mirror. His car number is 01.524 mk. I will also go to complain to the director of the car park. He scolded me with uncensored words. I'm a pensioner, and he's a young kid. I was just in shock.