The most terrible communications office in the city! The workers are all evil, and they are constantly looking for something to do when sending a parcel. The last 4 digits of the departure are enough for everyone, but 8 digits are needed on this branch) Either the tape is badly wound, there is not enough cardboard, or the package is not the right one.After them, I go to any other department and accept the parcel for shipment without a single comment.
It's a beautiful place. Pleasant service. They complained above that there were queues. Things happen. It is well thought out that there is no paperwork.
Technically, everything is fine, but you expect from the name that everything is like in Europe, but not really. It takes a long time - 5-7 days pass from the message that the goods were issued at the place of shipment to the receipt of the receipt message. Because of this, some of my tree seedlings have withered. I would like to be able to receive the parcel in 2-3 days.
Work on it.