Журнал «Генеральный Директор» — издание для директоров и владельцев бизнеса, которые хотят узнать об идеях в управлении, маркетинге, продажах и кейсах коллег-директоров.
243 Br1 pcs.
Журнал "Главный Экономист"
Журнал «Главный Экономист» – издание по работе с отчетностью и анализом хозяйственной деятельности компании
185 Br1 pcs.
Журнал "Кадровая Служба"
Журнал “Кадровая Служба” – издание для специалистов и руководителей отдела кадров. 70% журнала – практические статьи и кейсы, остальные 30% – обзор законодательства, документы по кадрам и проверка зн аний.
I want to leave a review about working with the publisher. We made a corporate order by subscribing to the magazines "Chief Economist" and "Practical Pricing". The material turned out to be as useful as possible for the work - specific cases, an overview of legislative innovations. Employees really began to ask fewer questions about operational problems and the organization of the workflow. After 6 months of subscription, the manager called back and offered a good discount on the next editions, which was extended for another six months. I can really safely recommend the publications for subscription and the publishing house for cooperation!
I haven't seen such disrespect for customers in a long time!
We ordered the printing of branded notebooks from them, the photo below shows what they gave us.
The management refused to go to the meeting and solve the problem in a normal way, with a haughty tone they told us that we ourselves had to bring everything back and it was not yet the fact that something would be changed and corrected for us....
Nowadays, such companies definitely have no place in the market, I think they will definitely not live long with such an approach and such a leader!