Hello, my name is Ekaterina, my son Kirill is 7 years old.We have been on the LTP course for 8 months now. I never regretted that I got on the course with my son, Dr. Michael and his team of specialists are very wonderful People, they helped me a lot and help me cope with our illness! The disease is finally receding from us.! My son is recovering and that's the main thing. Thank you and a low bow to you, our dear mentors!!! Kirill went to the first grade!
I will never regret that I got to Dr. Michael❤️thank him very much. The child has changed beyond recognition simply. Parents do not think for a second, go, only in your hands is the opportunity to save your child. I'll just attach a report on what kind of child he was before and what he is now. Before/after report
Group: August 08/21/2013
Child: Ilya
Age: 6L
1.❌ Not long-term eye contact
He looks long and intently, even at strangers
2.❌ Did not always respond to the name (70%).
✅ responds in 100% of cases
3. He is very selective in food.
✅eats everything from the allowed list,we cut vegetables and add them to dishes
4. ❌Did not drink water. Generally
✅ Drinks clean water, more than a liter per day
5. ❌There were psychos, screams, if you remove something (phone, turn off the TV)
✅reacts calmly, does not pay attention to the TV at all.the phone gives itself away if you ask
6. I didn't ask to go to the toilet, I endured "to the last", then I was nervous
He takes her by the hand, leads her to the toilet, puts on his pants himself.Even on the street I started asking for it
7. ❌Spoke only "mom"+ some sounds
✅says "baba", " grandpa" , Dad, " Zhenya", " Vika", "you can", you can't, give
8.❌ Ran away on the street
He walks by the hand calmly, sometimes he can pull somewhere if there is something interesting. I began to understand the traffic light, waiting for the green light, then goes over
9. I've only watched a few cartoons a hundred times.
He is interested in new cartoons, songs, and videos on the Internet that he had not watched at all before
10. ❌ Did not react if another child takes a toy or some kind of thing
Now he defends his own, takes it back, has learned to change toys
11. ❌ Didn't react much to his sister
He is now looking for her with his eyes, in class or in sports.he sits in the hall waiting for her to study) looks in, looking for her. Checking her stuff.He doesn't leave without her.he learned to say her name), kisses her before going to bed
12. ❌I did not eat with a spoon myself
✅ From the second day of the course, I took a spoon myself and began to eat. It doesn't always work out well, but it tries. He brings himself a plate / spoon, takes it to the sink after eating
13. ❌There were vocalizations sometimes
The vocalizations are gone
14. ❌Stims wings.
There are still a few left, with an overabundance of positive emotions)
15. Constant constipation, bloating.
They passed almost immediately, the tummy became smooth, not swollen, the stool got better
16. ❌Did not undress himself
✅undresses at the entrance himself, takes off his shoes, hat, jacket and puts it on a chair.does not throw
17. I did not notice the small household moments around the house.
✅ notices absolutely everything that happens. Spilled water- carries a rag himself, spilled it- carries a brush to sweep
18. I was not interested in games.
✅ all the toys in the house have become interesting, he is also trying to understand what his sister is playing)
19. I didn't pay attention to what clothes he was wearing.
now he refuses to even try on clothes if he doesn't like them) looks at himself in new clothes
20. I didn't say hello.
✅ Gives his hand at the word " hello"
21. He was afraid to enter new premises, cried a lot, ran outside
He comes in, looks around, doesn 't always cry, gets used to it quickly
22. ❌Did not hug, did not kiss back
✅He comes to kiss me, hug me , always kisses me before going to bed)
23. He began to repeat many words after us.He doesn't speak clearly, of course, but at least he starts. I haven't even tried before.sometimes he comes up and initiates a "dialogue" to be repeated after him)
24.❌There was no pointing gesture
He points his finger at the shops where he wants to go or at the cartoons on the TV.
25. ❌couldn't sit in one place for even a little bit
Now she goes to school preparation and sits at her desk for 1.5 hours. Performs tasks
26. ✅I learned to wash my hands and face myself
27. He began to pay attention to our reaction when he messes up somewhere)) he immediately looks at how we will react, tries to remove everything as it was) sometimes he does it on purpose and looks at
the reaction, laughs)
28. He began to behave calmly in the store, stands in line, waits,puts purchases at the checkout, pays with a card himself)
29.✅ Began to pay attention to children at school. Sit down with them in a circle for a lesson, passes items according to instructions, watches how other children do
30✅ started to help myself if he sees that it's hard for me, for example, to carry something (bag, bag, laundry basket), helps to put on shoes,fasten locks, etc
. 31.✅ Stopped being afraid to get a haircut. He sits down for a haircut himself, behaves calmly
32. ❌Did not notice the animals
I began to notice animals, birds, and learned how to feed birds in parks.
He flatly refused to engage in physical activity. They couldn't force me in any way.
✅ Now he likes to repeat exercises, he makes everyone do it too)
We have been treating my grandson online since 10/23/2023 from Mikhail Levit. Atypical autism. He was in his own world, he didn't see us or the world around him. Following all the doctor's instructions, we achieved great results. I began to understand the converted speech. The terrible stimuli have gone away, the food has improved. Communication has arrived. I started playing with the children. The method is super. Before they were treated in America and in Tashkent, everything was in vain. He is now 8.9 years old. We are waiting for him to speak. Check out the Instagram reviews of real parents. Uzbekistan, Tashkent. 15.09.2024