The quality of the bags depends on the lot and your luck, in order to get the money back, you need to stand and convince the seller.
If the warranty has passed, your bag will be sent for maximum repair.
Crooked seams, I took my purse despite the seams, I just saw that there was a model that I wanted after, now they reproach me that you saw what you took.
For some bags, the treatment comes off after a couple of weeks.
Processing began to climb on my purse next to the strap, the seller began to justify that I had hit something, although after the impact not only the processing area would have suffered.
We did a great service by sending it for repair with the look as if I was demanding from the seller to send this purse somewhere at her expense.
In addition, dirt and color from clothes are very strongly embedded in the handbag, despite the processing, after which it all does not wash off the bag in any way
I bought an Alba Big bag in genuine leather. Two weeks later, the valve crumpled where the handle rubs the edge of the skin, the treatment peeled off. The seller offered to send it for repair, but this is a design feature, after the same two weeks I am sure the situation will repeat. What to do, of course, the warranty will pass and you will not have to count on free repairs? If I had been warned about this, I would have chosen a different model. As a result, the money was wasted and the mood was spoiled. I don't recommend it to anyone.