I bought a women's purse, it was stated that it was genuine leather. I used it for a little over a month, a maximum of 35 days. The corners of the wallet have peeled off - the top layer has peeled off the so-called skin. The seller refused the claim about the sale of substandard goods, arguing that the goods were not used for their intended purpose. There is a gap in the legislation - an examination is possible, but it does not prove anything, it will confirm that the product is made of leather, but that it is made of low-quality leather and leather that should not be used for this type of product. THEY SELL LOW - QUALITY , DISPOSABLE PRODUCTS . The RATING for quality is 0.
01. March 2024 approx. 12:00 Terrible staff was sitting on the phone, mocking an aged customer, having a conversation with a partner claiming that their models are for girls. (One of the employees standing near the cash register.) Previously, I bought a down jacket here and was satisfied. I'm not coming in here with that attitude.