Excellent workshop, I gave shoes for repair several times, everything is super. The owners are very pleasant to communicate with, they are like to the point with a soul. I definitely recommend it!
2 oy oldin koja oyoq kiyimimni berdim, kraska sepin bukilgan formasini to’g’irlab beramiz deb obqolishdi 200.000 so’mga 1 haftada qib beramiz deb. Yo’qotib qo’yishib sal kam 1 oyda topib berishdi.
Kraska ishi yaxshi ko’rindi boshida, lekin formasini to’g’irlab bo’lmidi deyishdi. Obketib 3 marta kiyganimdan keyin yangi sepilgan kraskasi o’chib ketib yana oldingi xolatiga qaytib qoldi. Kraskasi yiltillab turadi boshida keyin juda tez o’chib ketarkan.
I do not recommend this workshop. They don't do anything at the specified time. He gave the skates away for restoration and cleaning. The restoration was done JUST to get it done, I didn't expect much here. I was counting on cleaning more, but I didn't even smell cleaning.