According to the child, the food is terrible (cold, disgusting taste). The child attends after-school meals are paid, but he comes hungry. It's a shame that the school does not take care of the nutrition of children. I was present at the meeting when the child entered the 1st grade, so specifically parents are told that teachers must teach everything themselves (read, write, count). It is clear that the classes are crowded, there are many children, and the teacher is alone.
There are pidagogues in this school and very good ones, and there are natural tyrants who abuse children, tell parents that their child does not assimilate the school curriculum. My child was given a medical examination by a psychiatrist to send the child to an integration class, we passed, everything is fine, the diagnosis was not revealed. The teacher and the child psychologist were shocked that we, a large family, were able to defend the rights of our child! We transferred our daughter to another class to a more worthy teacher who treats children very well, and in the new class both children and parents praise her very much.