The service is terrible, I went to the store for a book by Paulo Coelho, a fairly well-known writer, went into the store, immediately approached the seller (who does not speak Russian at all), I asked if there was a certain book, she went to see the stand, it was empty, literally empty. The girl told me that she wasn't there. I ask her the same question in Uzbek and say, do you understand me at all? She answers yes and leaves. There is very little assortment in the store and all that is there is Uzbek literature. The place is too overpriced.
Tanlov imkoniyati keng.
Barcha turdagi kitoblar mavjud.
Sotuvchilar xushmuomala va kitoblar haqida maʼlumotga ega.
Narxlar hamyonbop. Yetkazib berish mavjud.