Extremely rude staff. The contract has a huge number of penalties, even for termination of the contract there is a fine.
The scheme is very simple: The algorithm enters into a contract with those who need workers, and then looks for suitable people and concludes a contract with them. Naturally, the algorithm does not work for free. Therefore, the payment is based on what could have been your PO (this is why it is smaller).
The algorithm helped me combine my work with my studies.
They've made a great schedule for me here, and if a couple are delivered or removed, it's never been a problem. I would like to express my gratitude to the managers from the Prytytsky Street office for always being in touch with me and understanding my situation. Happy New Year!
I express my sincere gratitude to the Uac Algorithm, and in particular to Tatiana, for the conscientious attitude and
mutual understanding towards the staff. A transparent wage system - you understand what your salary is based on and how to increase it.Comfortable corporate uniform, heated warehouse, meal room, showers. I wish you success in production, economic and financial well-being.