The garden is the best! Children enjoy walking. They are very good educators, they find an approach to children. The staff is always friendly. Everything is clean and tidy.
An excellent kindergarten, without any incomprehensible fees, everything is on the level, excellent teachers, you can say a special-purpose kindergarten (in a good sense of understanding), here you can prepare a full-fledged SSN fighter for graduation)) there are sections for swimming, karate, drawing, football, salt rooms, a rock climbing slide and a bunch of other gadgets and one minus, as everywhere else in the morning, traffic jams at the entrance, but this is so a side effect of the city is saved by the fact that all drivers seem to react adequately.
Our beloved kindergarten, my daughter has been attending for 2 years. There are many clubs, dancing, a swimming pool, a salt mine, and English is taught by a native speaker.
The best kindergarten, I dreamed of giving to this kindergarten with my first child, since 2009, and the dream came true, on the 5th we got)). And they wanted to get there for a reason, the teachers are the best, all the circles inside the kindergarten and for a reasonable amount, everything is wonderful. However, one minus, nurses do not stay long.
The caregivers are constantly changing. I don't know who the children will come to. Rude babysitters that children are afraid of. They heat it very much in winter. Few children are taken outside. There are a lot of paid clubs. If the children are not walking, they are not busy with anything. In the absence of a caregiver, they are simply put in front of the TV
The best garden you can imagine!!!! Head Lyazzat Galymzhanovna selects only the best educators in the team. Aida Amanzholovna, Gauhar Amangeldinovna, Bibigul Shayakhmetovna, Sholpan Maratovna, Gulsim Boranshievna-all cool!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Supposedly a simple kindergarten. Urban. And the children there are 97% all thieves. If you are lucky enough to get there without a call and money, then you are Lucky.