Цель курса ментальной арифметики — тренировать мозг для максимальной скорости восприятия и обработки любой информации.
При этом происходит гармоничное развитие двух полушарий головного мозга: левого, отвечающего за логику и правого, отвечаю
Many thanks to the child development center "Successful Start" for interesting and exciting classes in mental arithmetic! The children (the eldest and youngest daughter)
learned to count in their minds with pleasure. The main goal was the development of both hemispheres of the brain. In 2022, in the V Republican Olympiad "IntellectKids-2022" they received a diploma of the II degree (the eldest daughter) and a diploma of the III degree (the youngest daughter).
The speed reading course is very interesting, accessible, and the tasks are varied and exciting. A lot of material is given in a playful way. I would like to express my gratitude to the teacher Elena Mikhailovna, who taught this course. During the visit, the daughter greatly increased her reading level, at the same time, she gained more self-confidence, increased attention. I recommend this course to everyone.
My son took a speed reading course in the spring of 2022. The speed of reading and understanding of the text has improved several times. Many thanks to the teacher Titova E.M. for the high-quality training. Good luck in your hard work.