The bot was ordered on January 22, 2020.
The developer communicated from two telegram accounts (@botmakeruz and @schevchenko_a (deleted already)) . Both are attached in the screenshots.
01/27/2020 bot test
28.01.2020 the work was paid, BUT NOT finished ...
31.01.2020 please finish the work.
05/06/2020 a new request to finish the job (transfer it to my hosting).
On 07-08-11-13-14-15-26 May 2020, the bot has still not been transferred to the new (my) hosting and has stopped showing signs of working capacity at all. Does not work.
30.05.2020-06/22/2020 an attempt to solve the problem through negotiations, reminders and so on ...
06/23/2020 I am tired of contacting a person.
I have neither a working bot nor 10,000 rubles..
Conclusion; whether to work with these (and) guys is up to you.