I needed eye drops. There was not enough recipe to buy in the evening. The employee promised to leave it until tomorrow. As a result, you rush for the recipe to return for the drops, and they told you that they were sold.
Remember to respect someone else's time and do not promise what you do not fulfill
They refused to sell half a pack of phytomucil, referring to some kind of decree, although I had never bought from them before....
I went to another pharmacy and bought it there without any problems.
19.04.I bought powder for the child in a sachet, stimkids, I needed only 6 pcs, pharmacovigilance refused to sell piece by piece, documenting that the pack was sealed, I had to buy 28 pcs. After calling other pharmacies, it turned out that you can buy by the piece. It is unpleasant that pharmacovigilance was not competent in informing customers.